I began learning how to code, 7-8 years ago for two main reasons: it could be a source of income and I was intrigued by the incredible things you could create through lines of code. This interest led me to learning Python at an early age and shortly thereafter I created a card game. Not an ordinary card game but a card game about ninjas throwing cards at each other.
After learning the basics of coding in Python, I started messing Godot 3 and participating in game jams in 2021. Over the next few years, I would continue with coding projects like virtual circuit boards or sprite stacks until the Unity Runtime Fee Scandal and Godot 4 came out.
Now, I have programmed for seven years but am still learning my value. During my time in college, I created tools, in Python, to help transfer data in/out of Excel and Access, along with almost creating a sudo language interpreter. I stopped due to a single equal sign being used for both comparing and setting values; That is a crime!
Eventually I ran across a paid opportunity to code in Godot 4 and I jumped at it. All of this led me to now where I'm searching for how to maintain being paid to program.
Through the use of a web socket wrapper, I was able to sync information, like mouse color or position, along with being able to recover from unexpected client/server disconnects.
A simple sand simulation, which stores the position of sand particles in separate lists based on if the sand is falling, settled, or buried. This allows for the sand that is falling to have fewer values to check against.
This circuit board was created with the use of Godot's built-in tile-map and terrain/auto-tile logic. Starting from the output components, we follow the path set out by the wires and following the auto tile rules until we reach a output component and can verify that we should be powered.
Through the use of stacked sprites, images stacked with a vertical offset, I was able to create these interactable books; They also work when rotated as well!
Through the use of stacked sprites, images stacked with a vertical offset, and constant rotation you get yourself an ever-changing parkour course.
In this project, a bridge class was created due to touch screen controls not properly imitating the mouse.
This is a demonstration of a wave system I created, where waves can both enhance and counter the force a wave could apply.
A fully interactive playable card game with more technical/system excitement than I can show. This isn’t the current progress I've reached but the amount I'm comfortable showing a the current moment.
Over the course of a month and a half, I learned unreal and created a fully functional rhythm game level builder.
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